QuestionsThe syntax for WordPress style.css template element is available anywhere
asked 3 years ago
One thing I came across here was that the style.css file must contain a specific header in order to be used by the WordPress engine. They give a brief example but I haven't been able to turn up any formal description of what must be in the style.css header portion. Does this exist on the WordPress site? If it doesn't could we perhaps describe it here?
1 Answers
tech Staff
answered 3 years ago
The following is an example of the first few lines of the stylesheet, called the style sheet header, for the Theme "eFocus":
Theme Name: eFocus
Theme URI: the-theme's-homepage
Description: a-brief-description
Author: your-name
Author URI: your-URI
Template: use-this-to-define-a-parent-theme--optional
Version: a-number--optional
Tags: a-comma-delimited-list--optional

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