QuestionsCategory: General QuestionsChange title and show readme color
asked 3 weeks ago
I would like to change color of title and readme link. Could I change also the sentence "What word you are interested in?" and that is in search box ??
1 Answers
tech Staff
answered 2 weeks ago
To change the color of the Title and Read more link, you can use the following CSS code: 
.em-glossary-items li {
     color: #....;
.em-glossary-items li a {
     color: #....;
replied 2 weeks ago

To change the “What word are you interested in?” content in the search box, you can open the wp-content/plugins/emo-glossary-pro/emo-glossary.php and find the line 359. We will update this in the next version to help you change from the backend.

replied 2 weeks ago

Great. It works perfectly. Thanks a lot. For glossary.php I prefer to wait you to lunch next version (I need to chage also the default text into the search box and the term “Know more”). I show that you will allow also to filter by category. When do you plan to have so?. Could it be possible to show below the search box how many glossary terms there are or has been found ?? I mean how many terms are being showed.

replied 1 week ago

We have updated this feature and released the latest version 1.0.7. You can download the plugin now!
Regarding the “Know More” section and the search box placeholder, these updates are scheduled for release next month.

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